Tuesday 29 June 2010

Weekly Recommendations - AND WE'RE BACK!

I’m baaaack! Did ya miss me? Sooo, soooo, sorry for being a fail at my rec blog. It seems that when I started writing, everything else in life was put on the back burner… no, further than the back burner… the splatter guard BEHIND the back burner. That’s okay, ‘cause our lovely AT (Alitriona) is going to keep me on track now. She has a whip and handcuffs… wait, those aren’t for me… Anyhoo, she’s going to keep me from forgetting. *grin*

So since we are basically re-starting, I’m not going to go with my little hint from before. I’m just starting fresh. And one of the fics that is just begging me to rec it is:

Midnight Sun of a Biotch by Greeen Goldfish


GGs summary:

What would happen in Midnight Sun if the characters weren't so...Mormon? How does a vampire break it to his lady love that he wants to eat her? Can vampires get drunk? Let's find out. Warning: I delight in abusing canon. OOC, AU.

My summary:

Now, don’t go thinking this is just a re-write of SM’s Midnight Sun, because it is FAR FROM IT! First of all, many situations are entirely different. Yes, Bella’s blood still sings to Edward and yes, he reads minds, Alice sees the future, yadda, yadda. But, there’s so many other things that are different, like for instance, Edward was changed by Tanya. Ooooh, interesting, no? ;)

So, anyway, this is so wonderful! Edward is snarky, and he cusses like a sailor – but it’s epically funny! I haven’t read a single chapter that I didn’t laugh out loud!

That being said, a few people have started the fic and said, “Ehh, it’s not for me.” And quit reading. Personally, I think everyone should at least read three or four chapters before they pitch it, because it is just so incredibly funny!

To help reel you in, you know I always give you a good teaser, so here goes:

Teaser 1:

"It all happened so fast, no one really saw. I've been in their heads and they all just assume I was standing there when the van started skidding and I shoved us both out of the way."

"What about Bella?"

"Well, obviously I don't know what she's thinking."

"That's a bit of a problem, isn't it?"

"Alice doesn't seem to think so," I said, nodding toward the overbearing oracle of optimism.

"What do you see, Alice?"

"Same stuff as yesterday, really," she said. "Except Edward plays hard to get for a while, first."

I already knew this, of course. But it wasn't something I particularly wanted to discuss with the whole Bloodsucking Brady Bunch. It was something I needed to think about.

"Can you tell in the visions if Bella knows what Edward is?" Carlisle asked.

"Not really. But I'm guessing if they're cuddling, she's going to kind of notice that he's not exactly…warm and cuddly."

"But you don't see her revealing anything?" he pressed.


Carlisle turned to me then and raised his eyebrows.

How are you feeling about all of this?

"I don't know," I answered.

"Hey! No brain talking! That's rude!" Rosalie protested.

"Well, then maybe the rest of you should let me and Edward have a minute," Carlisle responded. The girls narrowed their eyes at Carlisle then, but Jasper and Emmett took it in stride and began ushering them out. As soon as the door was closed, Carlisle and I began talking again. Ironically, he didn't speak to me in his head once they were gone. He found that, then, he would often let things slip that he didn't want me to respond to. I mean, I would hear them all the same. But at least if he spoke out loud, I would know what he deemed appropriate for conversation. "So?" How are you feeling? Are you worried? Have you developed feelings for her already? Is it only because of Alice's vision? You can't possibly have feelings for her already. Would you have saved anyone that that was about to happen to? Did she lose any blood? Does her blood still sing to you? My god, you must have will power.

See how much the mindreading can suck?

Teaser 2:

"Thank you."

"Oh. Uh…you're welcome. Like I said, it was kind of just instinct. I didn't really think about it."

"Well, thanks all the same. It sounds really strange to say it out loud, but I'm pretty sure you saved my life."

"It's cool. You loaned me bio notes yesterday. So, uh-I figure we're even now."

She smiled at me then. I won't lie—I was kinda hoping for a laugh. But I'd take a smile.

"I don't remember…right before the accident… It's so weird. I remember standing next to my truck, and I remember the squeal of the tires and seeing the van headed toward me. But I don't remember you."

"Wow, way to wound a guy. I like to think I'm memorable."

See how good I am at deflection? (And fishing for information?)

"What were we talking about?"


"Uh. Actually, we weren't. I had just meandered over there. I hadn't had the chance to strike up conversation yet."

"Oh." She tilted her head then for a second. "What were you going to talk to me about?"

"Uh. I don't remember. I was probably returning your notes or something."

"Oh." She seemed satisfied then, because she began digging in her pocket and then turned toward the vending machine. She pulled out a handful of change and began counting it out. "Fuck," she muttered under her breath. Then she looked up. "Do you have any change?"

"Uh, yeah," I said, fumbling for my wallet. I pulled out a dollar bill and handed it to her.

"Thanks. I'll get you back. I just don't want Charlie to get all suspicious when I don't come back with a soda."

"Don't worry about it." Then I watched as she tried twice to get the machine to accept the bill. It rejected it and spit it back out both times. Which was weird because it was a pretty crisp bill. "Want me to try?"

"I'll get it," she said. Then, I could see the tip of her tongue protruding from her mouth in concentration as she gave it another go. On the third attempt, the machine finally accepted the bill and she pressed her selection. Then, she retrieved the Diet Coke that came tumbling out, along with her change, which she turned and offered to me. I shook my head.

"Keep it." Better not to risk any more contact for right now.

"So. Uh. Do you think you'll go back to school?" she asked.

"Probably not. Might as well exploit the shit out of the near-death experience, right?"

"Yeah. That's kind of what I was thinking. I'm not exactly looking forward to being a spectacle," she said, as she popped open the soda and we began strolling back down the hall.

"Yeah. Me either."

"What are you talking about? You're always a spectacle."


"Uh. I mean… I just mean… Sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

"Like what?"

"I just meant that your family doesn't exactly blend."

"Right. Yeah."


"No, don't apologize. It's the truth."

"It doesn't bother you?" she asked.

I shrugged. Only when it threatens to expose us as the undead creatures of the night that we actually are. When that's something you have to worry about, the rest is kind of just gravy. I don't think I'll be sobbing myself to sleep if I'm not crowned homecoming king. And not just because my body can't produce tears.

"So, uh…can I get your notes back to you tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah. Of course. Getting those notes back isn't exactly top on my list of concerns right now."

"What is?"


"Top on your list of concerns?"

"Um. I don't know. Not getting killed by careening vans. Keeping this whole thing a secret from my mother. Avoiding Charlie's scrutiny."


"Uh. Because he can be a little…overprotective, I suppose."

"No, I mean, why not tell your mother what happened?"

"Oh. Because she would freak out about it even though nothing happened. No reason to get her all worked up over nothing."

"You call your dad 'Charlie'?"

"What's with the twenty questions?"

"Sorry. I just…I guess I'm nosy. Didn't mean to pry. Sorry."

"No, it's OK. I just…I don't know. Are we like, suddenly bound by our shared near death experience now or something? You can go back to being aloof if you want."


"God. Sorry. I didn't…I didn't mean it like that. That came out totally wrong. I just…I don't really know how to act around someone who saved my life. It's really weird, right?"

"I don't see why you need to act any differently than before. But then again, you're not, really."

"I feel like I kind of owe you. Like…my life."

"Like I said—bio notes. Don't sweat it."

"Um. I don't think it works like that."

"Seriously, Bella. You don't owe me anything. You would have done the same for me."


"You know, if you hadn't been too busy staring at the careening van."


We slowed down then, as we had reached the doorway of the room we had originally come out of.

"So, um…I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked, unsure of what I was supposed to say or why I had even engaged in the conversation with her in the first place. In fact, the only thing I was sure of in that moment was that I was even more confused about everything.

"Um. Yeah. Tomorrow."

And that’s only chapter 3… it gets better and better and better, lol! I love how Edward REALLY acts like a teenager in this. He’s so confused and doesn’t understand anything about anything involving relationships, and girls, and Bella, it’s just hilarious :)

Ok, so, as usual, I have to give you a hint for my next recommendation.

I’m gonna go out on a limb and rec something that is gonna take a LOT of finagling to get y’all to read ;)

The hint is:

Not over fruit

Luv you all!



  1. I am going to guess Under the Apple Tree is next :P

    I read the next chapter but never remembered to go back to it. I should, though, because you're right. It is funny. The chapters are short, so it would be a perfect read for my lunch breaks ;)

  2. I am going to read this really soon, great review and your right, the handcuffs aren't for you. :-)

    *You forgot to mention my whipped cream :-)

  3. I thought you said you weren't going to do the hint.

    And I have my guess!!

    I can't remember, are we allowed to say it or not?

  4. Oooh, you just meant the hint from last time. Got it!

  5. This story will make you laugh, still a little angsty, but hey thats what makes it fun!
    I have no idea what your hint means...although if Rags is right I have thought about starting that one but heard it's in HF and I have enough HF going on in my updates right now.
