Friday 4 June 2010

Rehab and Me

I am delighted to be the first poster on this new rehab blog and the main subject of my blog is… you’ve guessed it. This will be a place that we can talk about anything and everything. It doesn’t have to be related directly to twilight, although it can be. It is just a place to share whatever it is that is stirring your heart in the week you‘ve been tagged. So, the way it’s going to work is this. Each week on a Friday someone who has added their name to the list will be tagged by me, meaning from Saturday to the following Friday they are free to post. I’m sure for most people it will only be once, but if the mood takes you go ahead and post again. Like I said it can be about anything going on in your life or outside of it, a long as it’s something important to you and you want to share, even if it’s only the latest pics of Rob. :-)  That’s it, very simple really. If there are any issues at all let me know and I will be in touch via rehab with anyone who has put their name on the list but hasn’t yet been added to the contributors. 


As for what’s going on in my life… I would like to say firstly, how incredibly proud I am of my son, Eric who will be taking part in Special Olympics Ireland from the 9th to the 13th of June in Limerick and good luck to all of the athletes. I would also like to thank the committees, fundraisers and volunteers and everyone involved. A little support goes a long way and for all those on facebook, you can show yours here.!… 

Many of you that know me already know that I am looking forward to the publication of my debut novel, Shades of Atlantis. It’s been a long road and a hard one. Not so much with writing which is something I love, but with everything else that comes along with it, rejection, doubt and criticism, something I’m sure a lot of you have experienced in writing. So I want to thank everyone who has supported me and my writing in the twilight fandom, it’s because of you all that I found the guts to go submit again. This is my Website, I know it's shameless self-pimp but meh...

Lastly, I want to thanks the ladies at rehab for their friendship; it means the world to me. Everyday I know there is somewhere I can go and share even the most mundane details of my life and always find a willing ear. I can cry from sadness or laughter or both, gossip, debate, joke around, give and receive virtual hugs and handholding for life’s tough moments and find boundless love with a pure generosity of spirit I am truly honored to experience. You ladies ROCK!


  1. Just imagine, you're already a step ahead of the rest of us, with an actual book getting published! And not just a rewrite of fanfiction, but something truly original :)

    It really is comforting to know that you have a backup family on the internet. I never feel more uncomfortable than when my internet isn't working, knowing that I can't contact any of you without it.

    Lots of love to my sisters at Rehab :D

  2. Awww, I love you bb!!!! SO FREAKING MUCH!!!!!

  3. Gah, I just got all emotional again. See what you do to me? Twice in a week. ;) lol

    The fact that you have a novel coming out is so many kinds of exciting and awesome. Perfect way to start the blog off. :)

  4. Yay first post!!

    As always that's so great for you son, good luck to him!!!

    And I'm just so excited for your book! You deserve it, lady.

    And yes, I love this virtual family of ours.

    *hugs to all*


  5. This is a wonderful group of people. With all of the heart in each and every one of us, I know that someone will understand what I'm going through or talk me down from a ledge.

  6. Kinda loving our fam too guys ;)

    and congrats with the book! that is awesome bb! good luck with it, and lemme know when its for sale, so i can go and buy it :D
    and good luck to your son too!
