Friday, 16 July 2010

Scooby Ponders

Today's Thoughts On: 'The Big Picture'

'Sup bitches? Scooby here, attempting to be a Switzerland-style (that was my joke first, Eclipse-Bella, you thieving slore) voice of reason. This attempt may or may not add up to a hill of beans in this crazy world (I channel Bogie when feeling philosophical), but hell, I'll give it a go.

I thought long and hard (TWSS) about what to write for my blog. Scoobz (I add the 'z' in my head), I thought to myself, what do you truly KNOW in this fandom? What knowledge/expertise do you posses that stands out, and that you could possibly put into blog form and thus pass your infinite wisdom on to millions (too modest?) of readers?

I suppose I could have written about multi-chapter stories versus one-shots, the pros and cons of entering contests, how to accidentally write something people really seem to like in 2,000 words or less, or how much skill it takes to not update your fic for a sickening amount of time (it's like, a lot of skill. We're talkin' off the charts).

But, I decided I'd take on the semi-taboo subject that everyone WANTS to talk about (don't lie! I see right through you!) but no ones actually DOES talk about (unless it's behind everyone else's backs).



Look, I'm no Dr. Phil (for which I thank my lucky stars (hi Lucky!) daily), but I have done my very best to keep my nose, ass, and all other extremities in the car at all...I mean...out of the insanity that is fandom drama. So I'm writing today to talk about a very important word I think we all need to keep in mind when things heat up around here: PERSPECTIVE, as in 'keeping things in'.

Seriously, think back to the very beginning of your time in the Twilight fanfiction world. I remember mine like it was only yesterday...

*Cue wavy lines and dream-like music*

I started reading fanfic in March of last year. Bet you can't guess what my first fic was! I joined Ffn in...I don't know, June? And started posting my first stupid-not-finished-yet-and-oh-my-god-I-may-cry-about-it-soon fic. Soon after, I joined Rehab, then a few other
communities, Twitter, etc. I met the best person ever in the history of the world, the Shaggy to my Scooby, Miss AllysueNumbers aka AKA aka Knucks-even-though-she-has-a-flame-thrower-now and I was all, 'Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship'.

Things were fan-friggin'-tastic.

My relationship with the fandom has been similar to any of my numerous (read: like...three) romantic relationships:

The Courtship Phase: Ok fanfic, I think I might sort of like you, but I'm too shy to admit it, so I'll just timidly slink around for a few months and see how you feel about me.

The Honeymoon Phase: Well, I'm really glad we get on so well. I'm all smiley and happy and really expressing myself, and because of you I've met tons of new people as well! I'm going to update you almost every day and get really involved in everything about you.

The 'We're Comfortable With Each Other Now' Phase: So, we've been together for a while now. I still love you and all, but I no longer feel the need to be overzealous. Maybe we can just take a step back and chill? I mean, I've noticed a lot of tension between us lately.

The 'How Many Fights A Day Is Normal?' Phase: Seriously now, I feel like I'm stressed and pissed with you more than I'm happy with you. We have our good moments, but is it worth it?

The 'I Think We Should See Other Fandoms' Phase: Look, it's not you, it's me. I just can't take the added stress on top of my RL bullshit. We had a great run, and we can still be friends, right?

At the moment, I'm somewhere between phases 3 and 4. I'm sure you've all noticed (because obviously your lives revolve around me and my whereabouts, duh) that I haven't been around much lately. This is due mostly to the fact that my life is sort of crumbling down around me (possibly being
over-dramatic) right now and I just haven't had the time to be here (which is very sad because I love you guys and I miss you). I live with a batshit crazy woman who hates me and makes my life hell (definitely not being over-dramatic), I'm scrounging for money, I have to start paying back student loans, BF and I fight often because of the hell-hole we live in...ETC ETC FUCKING KILL ME NOW.

Which brings me back to my point. PERSPECTIVE.

A lot of shit has gone down, not just in the fandom in general, but at our very own little Rehab hidey-hole. Admittedly, I wasn't around for a lot of it and haven't gotten the whole story(ies). I'm not here to say who was right and who was wrong, who saved the day and who was being a fuckwit. I just want to remind you all about why you joined Rehab and why you started reading fanfic. Well, I'm about to drop an atomic F-bomb on ya'll.


./'./' F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for you and me, N is for anywhere and anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea./'./'


What happened to that? Remember those days/nights in chat when we'd just fuck around and giggle for hours? Or we'd all be reading the same fic and we'd all freak out when it updated and then come to Rehab and freak out about it on the threads for hours (*CoughSleepersEpilogueCough*)? Or how about those silly random threads that brought about the great EM Forster debacle of '09? I understand that a lot of things that happened hurt a lot of people. Hell, I was/am/whatever one of them. So get mad and have a bitch session to your bestie, and then do your best to move on.


Right now, in REAL LIFE, we have people going through break-ups, weddings, pregnancies, lost loved ones, financial hardships, uni, PSYCHO IN-LAWS, illness, family troubles, and that's just what I know off the top of my head. Let's compare all of that utter shit to the sillyness (yes, that's what it most often is) that goes down everyday in this fandom. Doesn't it make feel sheepish (baaaaaaaahhhhd joke)?

Is there really a point to this blog? No, not really. I guess more than anything, I just want us all to be back in the Honeymoon Phase again, with the fandom and with each other. I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school. I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy...

She doesn't even go here!

But seriously. When fandom life gets you down, just breathe and remember to keep everything in perspective. I think, maybe, we'd all be a lot happier that way.

Look at the puppy! He's got a stick! He's so happy! Who's a good boy? Who's a good -


Here's looking at you, kids.


  1. Scoobz... I just... I love you dude!! *insert big soppy hormonal hug*

    Laughed so hard at the dog picture... *snicker*

    Actually scrap that... laughed at the whole thing :D

    Oh and don't be feeling bad about your lack of fic update... you seen mine lately? (last updated November 09) Yeah... thought that might make you feel a little better ;)

    big hugs!! xxx

  2. Stands up and applauds! I<3 u Scooby!

    We all get wrapped up in this world and suddenly it becomes as important as real life. It is real life; it's our escape time. These are real relationships that are forged from something that is fun. Let's try to keep it that way.
    It isn't difficult to loose it here and there as we realize that this fandom impacts our RL somehow. But we have the ability to stand back and get perspective. We shouldn't shirk such opportunities, I agree. Because the real world doesn't give us time to think most days.
    These relationships I have here are precious to me and I take my time in digesting what is said to-or at- me. I respect so many here and hope that such feelings are reciprocated. It's a luxury to have all this on top of my everyday life. It is special that I get to connect with so many great people.

    Oh, and update wise? Ha! Can we say writers block?

  3. Omg you can't even imagine the size of my grin while reading this. I love you so hard!


    *points to scooby* she doesn't even go to this school! ;)

    I totally agree with you though I wish we could all go back to the rehab we had before and wish this fandom as a whole wasn't so damn srs bans all the time. Were all a bunch of drama queens. Hehe

    I love you times infinity and twelve! <3

  4. Bsns* not bans effing phone

  5. So true (and so funny!)

    I'm at the 'this feels like work, where did the fun days go' stage, but hopefully it will go back at some point. I miss the days when I'd get up in the mornings and read an update before getting ready for the day, and then sneaking to read at school or work, and then read some more when I should be doing homework.

    And as for the drama... well, I think it's just something that comes with dealing with people, because we are as different as we are many and some things are bound to clash. Yeah, things were drama free back in the day when all I did was read and write just for me. But when I look back, I feel like the old me was a loser because all I did was bury myself in fic and I talked to maybe a handful of people during the week, and most of the time it was out of obligation. Now I speak to you guys about nothing of any importance almost every day.

    There will always be that someone stirring up trouble, but there will always be that someone who you can bitch about it, too. And that's why I love you guys :)

    The key phrase: 'move on'

    And Scooby and Sheree, don't worry about your lack of updates, Rehab will know as soon as you start updating again, and we'll still love it even if it's 10 years away ;)

  6. I agree with everything you said. The first reason we created this fandom is to have a place to go to relax from the RL bullshit. But time after time, it becomes a source of yet another drama, because some ppl are kinda energy vampires who feed on other ppl's negative feelings. I think we need to be stronger than that. Especially because we are the family. And I, for instance, love my Rehab family very much! <3

  7. I am standing and applauding you, Wow!! That was bloody brillant!(In the voice of Ron Weasley) I have no idea what phase I'm in at the moment. Let down a bit maybe, I feel fandom decided to see other people without discussing it with me first.

    The problem with drama is sometimes it is impossible to walk away, in the case of people being taken advantage of or treated unfairly. There's also always going to to people who think they can get away with behaviour in fandom that wouldn't be acceptable in RL. The ideal is to avoid them if possible.

    I'm sorry you are still living with Mum in law from hell. Did you ever get door issue sorted?

    As for updates, you know you are the author of one of my two fav Jasper stories so I know anything you write is worth waiting for.

  8. thankfully I'm rather oblivious to all the drama, but your post was kickass and I laughed all the way through it!
